Alexandra Chiou

Silhouettes of the Sacred
acrylic, ink, cut paper
21.12″ x 21.12″ x 2″

Inside each of us exists infinite worlds, and the purpose of this series is to examine these dimensions at a physical and conceptual level. I am constantly intrigued by the physical contrasts in the landscape – light and dark, desert and water, barrenness yet abundance. I am amazed by the unexpected lushness found in the Southern California desert. For instance, stumbling upon blooms in rough terrain, or spotting rock formations with patterns that look man-made yet are natural.

Just like the multilayered land around us, we ourselves are filled with many dimensions. A fusion of East and West has shaped my way of thinking. Some of my pieces also delve into the duality of memory and landscape. In one of my works about personal journeys, water symbolizes an overwhelming unknown, but also progress. With these pieces, I hope to share my investigations of the external environment, reflections on the inner self, and a personal intersection of landscape and memory.