Deb Diehl

Fauna Nocturna

My current project, Fauna Nocturna, began when I discovered that coyotes had dismantled and played with a ceramics installation I’d created in my yard. The following week they urinated on a second one and rolled its components down the hill. Since then, I’ve employed hunting trap cameras to document wildlife as they investigate areas of my yard that I’ve manipulated for artistic purposes.

My work explores the tension between what is seen and what is not. Whether naturally occurring or socially constructed phenomenon, the topics I chose to explore drive my choice of medium; usually video and photography. However, the impulse to probe what’s “underneath” fuels my efforts to unearth and reveal the psycho-social dynamics that intrigue me. The stills and videos of Fauna Nocturna give evidence to a specific animal experience to which humans are not normally privileged, and reveal the human desire to interact, and connect with, wild animals.